We are looking forward to seeing you this Friday.
Calvary Church of the Valley is hosting Healing Rooms of Paradise Valley every Friday in the sanctuary. We are a Chapter of the International Healing Rooms of Spokane. About Us |

Please visit for a special time of hearing from the Lord with Words specifically for you. We meet every Friday from 12:15 PM until 2:30 PM (last check-in 2:15 PM). 

If you are in need of prayer, we invite you to come and receive ministry by one of our trained prayer teams.

We also have two additional ministries available on Fridays. Healing the Broken Hearted and Rebuilding the Foundation. These are available by appointment only. Healing the Broken Hearted is to deal with trauma and woundings and Rebuilding the Foundation, exploring your personal Christian foundations. Call 210-243-9844 for an appointment. These are hour long sessions with a prayer team of three.

Carol's Testimony

Joy's Testimony

Lisa's Testimony