In “Knowing God and Making Him Known” we look to God’s leading in all of the church family in Calvary’s ministries.

Prayer is the cornerstone of all we do. Nowhere is this more evident than in our Prayer Chapel on campus. The Chapel is open 24/7 for anyone to come and pray for themselves and for the various prayer requests that are left in the chapel.

In December 2005, Calvary Church of the Valley opened a Healing Rooms Ministry on campus. On Fridays from 12:15 – 2:30 p.m. anyone can come to the Sanctuary and ask for prayer. A dedicated team of three will seek the Lord’s healing for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing for all who come. There are also 2 other deeper one on one ministries. Healing the Broken Hearted seeks to release trauma and open doors to new growth. Rebuilding the Foundation seeks to remind and re-establish the beginning foundations of our faith. More information on the Healing Rooms Ministry Tab.

We have various ministries to exercise the gifts and meet the needs of the body. We emphasize missions, both local and global, to complete the Lord’s directive to His disciples to go into all the world. More information on the Missions tab. Our Worship Team Music Ministry is the heart of our Sunday morning services. We also have a Young Children's Ministry on Sunday mornings during the Worship Service.

Adult Bible Study

This class, facilitated by John Barry, is held on Sundays in the Fellowship Hall at 8:45 a.m. We are currently exploring the book of John. All are welcome.

Wednesday Night Prayer Service

Every Wednesday at 5:00 p.m., Pastor Keith deLaet leads a prayer service in the Sanctuary.

Men’s Ministry

The men’s ministry at Calvary focuses on bringing men together to create fellowship and spiritual growth. The meeting is held on Saturday mornings at 10:00 AM in the Prayer Chapel.

Women’s Bible Study

Susan Steen leads a Women’s Bible Study on Saturdays at 10:00 in Room 14. The study focuses on lessons to learn from Scripture and time to learn about and support each other.